Colombia - Black Condor

from $14.00

Producer: 102 Producers

Region: Gaitania and Planadas, Tolima

Elevation: 1950 MASL

Cultivar: Caturra

Process: Washed

Notes: Belgian Waffle, Milk Chocolate, Orange Slice Candy


Black Condor is the newest community lot we are sourcing from our friends at Forest Coffee in Tolima Colombia. This project includes producers from 102 families across Tolima in the Gaitania community. Forest has established a washing station to support these farming families in a region that has historically been marginalized by guerrilla warfare and conflict. Forest ensures direct and fair payment to producers that is between 18-20% above market rate for coffee delivered to their buying station. They have also developed training workshops to teach coffee processing, fermentation, drying, and cupping as well as internal competitions to foster growth and give visibility to improving producers.

Forest Coffee values the traceability, transparency, and consistency of these coffees. Since they are overseeing all aspects of post-harvest production (processing, fermentation, drying, and stabilization), they can ensure the coffee is high quality and allow producers to focus on their strengths of growing and harvesting great coffee. Hyperion believes community lots play a crucial role in the coffee value chain and are excited to offer Black Condor as our newest offering from Colombia.

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